The Story Race14 1st-pix-#1-25-11 / ! 1-Race14+EDW-300grn -- 07/25/22
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!     1-Race14+EDW-300grn

Ellis David Weiner in Race14

This is the picture I use most of all because one can see Ellis, and see the plane in the air - where it should be.
Each of these few Warbirds has a much bigger story behind it. It is the nature of Warbirds, perhaps the P-51 in particular, to attract Dreamers - and those who do not just wish for – but take action to make his/her Dream come true.
In this Site, I will tell a small part of EDW’s story and suggest how this Site can be expanded to include so many more stories.
Ellis came from humble beginnings, and with a little help, some luck, and mostly his own personal effort, made his personal Dream come true.
This historic aircraft is looking for a new home with appreciative owner.
 I had the good fortune to grow up with two massive Dreamers, and another who tended more to the negative side of the expression, “Dreamer”. Oh! And a fleet of other WWII pilots and fairly aggressive characters who did not stop to wait for government hand-outs.

Sorry, might as well say early, I am not very “Politically Correct.” Sensitivity is not my strong point, nor was it a highlight of many of whom I shall speak. But that sure as Heck does not mean that they did not help others while they were helping themselves. ‘Nuff said.

If you have the interest to purchase and care for Race14, please call:
Frederick Kohler, 310-274-2177

LINK to PDF more printable: _ TheStory of Race14- 23July22 #1-4
BUT, I am not yet able to make that link